Last week we had our degree show and although it was good to see weeks and weeks of work culminating in an event like this, I feel a bit sad about the end of the practical part of our course. So yes, we had an exposition, not to mix up with an exhibition, which means that we were meant to show work in progress and explain our methodologies, rather than worrying about a polished presentation of our projects.

Exhibitions (or expositions) are funny. Preparing an exhibition is like renovating your home. It's all about banal practical things and about getting it done with all the necessary tools within an unthinkable amount of time. It's the time when the simplest things go wrong. It's when the simplest things make you feel proud of yourself. You will laugh, but this was the first time in my life I drilled and put up shelves on a wall. The first time I painted furniture was for my BA degree show. Anila didn't allow me to cut the wood though, saying that it's too thick and that it might be dangerous if I've never done it before. At lease I was allowed to hold it, while she was cutting :))

Our last crisis and problem solving meeting on the day before the opening.

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@темы: Goldsmiths, Arts

I'm back from busy craziness and I can do some blogging now! Last Wednesday I participated in the Moving Forest project, which turned out to be very noisy and a lot of fun!

Getting organised at home

...and finally it works!

For the Act 4 I went to Chelsea College of Art and Design to set up my table for stitching. 

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@темы: Arts

In November I wrote about a workshop, which was led by MzTEK as part of preparations for the Moving Forest project, where we built electronic weapons / musical instruments and went out to a park to annoy people on a sunny Sunday afternoon.

This Wednesday, 4 July the main part of the Moving Forest is taking place and all MA IM students are welcome to participate. A couple of words about the MF:

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@темы: Goldsmiths, street art, Arts

Yes, yes, last week I did another mostly exciting workshop with people who are visually impaired (again at Time & Talents). Most of the participants were again from South London and a few of the participants used to work in a factory for blind people, which was charity based, as far as I understood. 

I was a bit nervous before this meeting. First, I did not know if people there lost their sight with  the age or if there were born blind. And second, I was afraid to say something silly concerning visual media, like to start asking about photography (which actually did happen to me in the very end. I asked a gentleman if he liked taking pictures with his mobile phone...umpf).

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@темы: Goldsmiths

On Monday I had my first proper workshop related to my final project. I visited the Over 60s Group of the social community Time and Talents in Rotherhithe, who were so kind to let me do it. The aim was to tease out older people's memories about old media and above all the way they influenced them in every-day life.

Rule number one: in this country nothing ever works without tea and biscuits!!!

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@темы: Goldsmiths

A small personal update of street art spotted in the street of L. Inevitably started to memorise artists' names. Welcome to an open-air museum with a constantly changing exhibition ;) 

Relatively new ROA in Shoreditch.



@темы: Exploring London, street art, Arts

(Warning! Not very entertaining and long, but not really academic and dry either.)

Technology progresses and mutates rapidly. What was broadly used in the beginning of the 20th century has become obsolete and forgotten. Putting my investigations for the major project in the theoretical framework of the Extended Mind and assuming that technology is a mean of active externalisation of human cognition in the environment, I propose to contemplate on the following question:

If it is true that our cognition is actively extended through modern technology, then which means of extension were appropriated by older generations? Which technology was available to them and how did this relationship differ from the modes of extension available to us today?

Looking for possible answers to this question, I want to address the histories of human relationship with machines and technology with means of media archaeology, in hope to unravel the past and gain a critical perspective on current developments.

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@темы: Goldsmiths, Arts

Another set of experiments we did, was directed towards exploration of false memories.

My first tiny exercise consisted of writing a letter to Anna K (the Greek ;) ), describing situations and evens which never took place, connecting them to Olympic games and the myth of Prometheus. Luckily, my tactics worked: when Anna read the letter, she was confused and felt is if she had a light form of dementia.


@темы: Goldsmiths, Arts

As my final term just started yesterday, it's time to share my adventures from my previous term or everything will get lost and suppressed by the new stuff.

From end of January until March I worked in a group of three (with a girl from Greece and another girl from Saudi Arabia) and had to face my "germanness" in organisational things, which I was never aware of before. (For instance, what is a person who spent the past 10 years in Germany supposed to say to the Southern concept, that meetings should not be planned and that they just come at some point?) But all in all, the group work was fun and adventurous.


@темы: Goldsmiths, Arts

Пару недель назад нагрянули мы двоём с моей прекрасной гречанкой Анной в Илюхин офис, чтоб есть гречку... Нет, чтобы забрать бедного мальчика, который остался последним на фирме в столь поздний час. Время ожидания мы провели не впустую, на Анну нашло вдохновение и мы устроили фотошут ;)

Amazing +17°!

Two weeks ago we went to Greenwich again. And going to Greenwich means passing by Lush Designs, a lovely shop with brilliant illustrations by Maria Livings and Marie Rodgers. They print them on lampshades, kitchen towels, cups, plates and and and. It immediately became my favourite shop: so bright, filled with dimmed lights and inspiring images.

When I saw those kitchen towels I knew exactly what I want to do with them. You must agree with me that it would be a shame to use them for the dirty kitchen work.

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@темы: Exploring London, Design

Some lectures are just so inspiring:

Oh yes, almost forgot to mention my main source of inspiration: a place to be during the final exams.

@темы: Goldsmiths, Scribbles

In our second term we have to define our minor projects, ideally addressing our final project in the last term. As we are supposed to support each other as much as possible, I joined Anila for the first empirical research for her project.

I'll try to describe Anila's background, so that you understand, why we did this strange stuff on an ordinary Wednesday afternoon. Anila is an Indian from Zimbabwe, who moved to the UK when she was 18 and is an English native speaker. She did her Bachelor degree in Arts and works as a curator for various arts projects, festivals, exhibitions, etc. For her minor project she wants to dwell upon the political situation in Zimbabwe. For this purpose she decided to concentrate on the electricity as a source of power and control, because the government frequently turns down the whole electrical supply of the country. For a start she was advised by Graham to pick some wood around her home and then lit a fire and try to cook something, to experience what the lack of electricity actually means.

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@темы: Goldsmiths, Arts

The endless flow of essay-writing eventually came to an end and has been taken over by a new term accompanied by fresh thoughts and naive resolutions. After spending one week in the library, I was very happy to be able to attend the lectures and the seminars, which officially started a week ago.

The only positive thing about sitting in the library is the view.
Zoom in and look at the OTHER London on the horizon.

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@темы: Goldsmiths

Last week-end's visit to Hyde park. Christmas market turned out to be a mixture of what it is supposed to be plus Oktoberfest. 

Mmm, mulled wine or Glühwein or...

@темы: Exploring London

Last week-end I participated in a hacking workshop for women only. Our boys were really upset about being excluded and I still don't quite understand why they weren't allowed to join. But apparently it's a way to get more women involved in electronics... Anyway. 

We didn't really have time to hack into any device, but we created some sound-guns as I call them. 

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Now I'll show you our home.

No, I'd rather start with the famous Brick Lane market. We finally managed to get there last Sunday. It used to be pretty alternative (like Camden market a long time ago) but has already turned into something fancy. Everybody was very styled and the place was not cheap at all. But the good thing was we could still walk around and admire brilliant street art.

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Enough of glossy life, this time I want to show you the shabby side of London. And a lot more. This is our walk on a lovely day two weeks ago:

Well, this park is not particularly shabby, but wait for it...

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@темы: Exploring London

I always have time for things I am not supposed to do. Like this one. Although I started thinking of this post a long time ago.

Here are painters, who are very special to me. Most of them I love deeply.
And yes, there are almost no contemporary painters among them. That's because in my opinion arts is gone in a very installative direction. So recently I became much more interested in illustrators and photographers. To me, they seem to be more honest in a way, less conceptual.

Ok, here we go. I am sure I have forgotten somebody. So please tell me!

Chagall, Renoir, Vermeer,
Banksy, Lora Zombie, El Greco,
Gauguin, Ernst, Klee,
Turner, Hundertwasser, Vrubel',
Frida Kahlo, Modigliani 

What about your favourite painters?