A small preview of what I've been working throughout the last week: literally last minute I got involved in a brilliant project, which will culminate in an exhibition on the 1st of December.
The 100 Words Pilgrimage is about exploring the hidden corners of London with eyes wide open. Creative writers were sent out to put down their impressions about a specific spot compressed in 100 words. Afterwards it was the task of visual artists to re-interpret the writings into picturesque narratives.

I got on board through a truly wonderful illustrator Tatiana, who invited me to one of the group's  meetings. So for the first time in ages I've been drawing intensively. A little sneak peek sketch:

If you are in London, do come along and sign up for the 100 Words Pilgrimage event on facebook! Here is a the tumblr of the project. More details coming soon, stay tuned!

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