And now for a little bit of geeky joy.
This year I got a very unusual birthday present. And it's called MaKey MaKey.


MaKey MaKey is an Arduino based board, which works as a keyboard, once connected to computer through a usb-cable. Hence, you can use it as an input method for every possible application, website, etc. With the help of crocodile clips you can easily connect it to anything at least a bit conductive, creating your own buttons. As it uses high resistance switching, unexpected things can be used as switches: fruits, veggies, skin, literally anything wet, aluminum foil, etc.

The design is very simple:


To get an idea, check out this promo video showing ways 
to experiment with different materials and applications:


Needless to say, we started playing around with it straight away, 
clipping every possible fruit or human to the electronic board. 
Here is a selection of things we tried out:

Wet food worked really well! Another nice idea was to close the circuit 
by drinking coke out of a metal can. Everything's conductive!

 skin, bien s