Having done the Alternative London Tour in September and praising it to heaven, I went on the Alternative Berlin Tour... but was a bit unlucky with the guide, who turned out to be a passionate squatter, but didn't seem to be particularly interested in street art. Moreover, he was talking about my favourite street artist in a an ignorant and disrespectful manner.
Trying to ignore these negative vibes, I managed to take some nice pictures.
The most impressive part of the tour was walking around Hackescher Höfe:
Our anarchistic guide
left: beautiful calligraphy by ?, right: a scary creature by BLU
If this monster swallows your euro and you are lucky enough,
it will spread its wings, bounce a bit and open its tired eyes.
Anna Frank by Jimmy C
To quote our guide: "And I don't know what this fetish with dead
animals should be anyway." It made be turn red...
Turns out that this piece is part of the Nike campaign. Yes, not very comme il faut in street art scene, but I'd still mention Vils other pieces and his amazing technique, if I was a guide...
Can't remember the artist's name. Apparently, when it's dark they project a flag on
the wall, so that it looks as if the astronaut was holding it in his hand. Wicked.
And after work I also had the time to sneak
into this fantastic Museum of Communication!
All the geeky joy! I could stare for hours at the cables,
triodes or these porcelain insulators for telegraph poles!
An early telegraph with electric needles
And also I discovered this magic place known as Medienarchaeologischer Fundus at the Humboldt University. Not only was it funny to meet the author of a book I was using for my MA thesis (especially me telling him: "Oh, you know this guy who wrote this book..."). But also hilarious to find out that they actually borrowed us three objects for the Evil Media exhibition!