The exhibition is based on young people's stories around photographs from their family archives, narrated in Russian and German. Set up as a train trip, it takes the visitors on a journey through time and space, from the middle of the 20th century to the present time, from Germany to the East of Russia.
Pictures bellow taken by rromashka
This exhibition wouldn't be possible without a number of people involved. Firstly, I want to thank the incredibly inventive technicians Borja Fischmann, Ilja Galle and Lew Tyves who were working around the clock. Secondly, the young authors themselves, who helped to produce the exhibition. They were cutting, painting, gluing, etc. etc., and stayed up until 6am to finish the set-up in time before the opening! And thirdly, all the people who were around at the right time and helped out with whatever was on. THANK YOU!
And a bit of making of:
For all those who can, here is a lively review in Russian.