On December 15 I took part in the Kafe Kunstfest organised by lovely people at Kafe Kult. I have never been there before, and it turned out to be a little bit hard to reach, but very bohemian and Berlin-style venue with sprayed walls and vintage furniture. Kafe Kunstfest is a self-organised non-profit arts DIY festivals with exhibitions, gigs, design items, etc.

I was showing my current project The Strait-tablecloth (Die Zwanstischdecke), in which I explored new ways of food sharing as an essential part of social life, challenged by constant virtual presence and communication. A dining table is traditionally at the heart of daily information exchange within every family. Every Friday my sister celebrates Sabbath and this is the time when the whole family comes together to exchange news, discuss books and films and make plans. However, as two of her children already possess smart phones, they tend to take this opportunity as a mental escape, while actually still being physically present. This was my initial motivation to investigate into the influence of new technologies and new media on social and cultural aspects of of meal sharing. So, as a first step of my inquiry I created a tablecloth which makes interaction between the people around the table more exciting, but at the same time very restricting and rather uncomfortable. A tablecloth which dictates its own social rules, refraining people from using touchscreens and forcing to focus on those who are physically present. Dining at this table you either collaborate or starve.

After setting everything up, I could finally take a look at my neighbours' stands.

This is lovely Paula who makes amazing jewelry from electronic garbage. (I mentioned her in my previous post on XMake Fair).

Steffi and Klaus were also selling their artwork and clothes.

Back to my bananas. 

This was my tiny workshop lab

And here is me explaining the project

And here is a visitor explaining the project to his friends
Thanks to the organisers for such a lovely event! I met so many young creatives and enthusiastic visitors! And thanks to Severin for taking some of the above pictures.

And here is a bonus: a picture of my London-based OSA colleagues Emilie and Gareth, who were the very first people to test the very first prototype of the project.

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