A couple of months ago I submitted my Rotherhithe illustration and animation (which was part of the 100 Word Pilgrimage by Beddow n Battini collective) to the Serco Prize for Illustration at London Transport Museum... and then completely forgot about it. A month later I got an e-mail saying that my animation was accepted. And somehow everything went so suspiciously smoothly, that I wasn't sure if my illustration was really going to be there. Last week I was over in London for work, and went to the Transport Museum just to check if it was all true at all!

I was relieved to find my animation on display in deed, with both sound and picture in working order. The description seemed to be an extremely shortened version of what I submitted, but that's not the end of the world. 

I was sure there will be loads and loads of animations on display, but they only had 5 in total! All in all, there were 1.200 submissions and only 50 artworks got accepted. And seeing so many illustrations of such a great quality on the show made me feel even more honored to be part of it than I already was! Thanks for the brilliant organisation Holly, Sabine and everyone else involved!

Here is a brief description of the exhibition:

"Across the ages, London has produced and inspired countless stories. Fictitious and real characters and events in this amazing city have always held fascination, from anecdotal urban myths to grand tales of historic legend.

London Stories, an exhibition featuring the best of the entries for The Serco Prize for Illustration 2014 features 50 works of art. Entrants were asked to create an illustration which visually captures a well-known or obscure London narrative; stories that are contemporary or historical, real or imagined."

I  absolutely loved this illustration below by Erica Sturla, The Menagerie in the Tower.
This illustration depicts an urban legend that the Queen has her own secret tube line.
This illustration below won the first prize. It's Gill Bradley's Monkey Band at Large in Notting Hill, 1927 – a raucous depiction of an "escaped monkey jazz band".

The exhibition will be on until 6 April! So all ye London friends, you've got enough time to see it!
Have a look at the Creative Review article on the exhibition. If you'd like to purchase a poster (sadly
but obviously only for illustrations, not for animations), here is the online poster shop.


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