Despite working on a very tight schedule, everything was finished just in time for the exhibition.
Prior to the opening there was an article about me and the project in the Sueddeutsche, an interview in BR (Bavarian Radio), a post on Arts in Munich, etc, etc.
Luckily we got some financial support from the city and others, and thus could implement almost all the ideas we had. For instance, we prepared the "pilgrim packages" which contained postcards of all the 21 artworks. These postcards also included our quiz questions around the respective places. The visitors were offered to explore the hidden places of the city for themselves and could find the answers at these specific spots, attached to bicycles.
For more background information about the project and all the artwork created for the project, check out the website I've built shortly after the show:
The opening night was fabulous! We even had Wumi and Tatiana - Beddow n Battini members who came over from London. And a 8-string guitar virtuoso Alexander Vynograd was a invaluable addition to the evening. I am very grateful to all the Munich artists who participated with their artwork, organisational brilliance and devotion to the project! I was so lucky to have such talented and reliable artists on board! I also want to thank the whole PLATFORM team, who supported us with all possible means, gave us the space for a whole month, with technical, financial and all possible issues.