photo by FormatD
End of February I've been invited to lead a whole-day event on wearables as part of the Nerd Rider event series. Prior to the workshop I gave a one-hour lecture on the history of e-textiles, with insights into various political and social arts projects in this realm. Afterwards the participants had a technical introduction into Arduino Lilypad microcontroller and its programming. And then they went on to design and sew their very own T-Shirt piano.

photo by FormatD
photo by FormatD
photo by FormatD
I loved doing a whole-day workshop, as you can squeeze in very diverse input. Although the time never seems to be sufficient, and I wish we had a whole week together. And I thoroughly enjoyed the workshop participants, their contagious enthusiasm, and their various skills and backgrounds ranging from textile designers for BMW and space engineers to ambitious high-school grads.

A huge thank you to the organizers - Format D, who took over the whole event management and materials, registration, space set-up, and, and and. They had to do some late-night shifts to make this event happen. Thanks to Christian, Benno & Catherina!

photo by FormatD

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