Last week we had our degree show and although it was good to see weeks and weeks of work culminating in an event like this, I feel a bit sad about the end of the practical part of our course. So yes, we had an exposition, not to mix up with an exhibition, which means that we were meant to show work in progress and explain our methodologies, rather than worrying about a polished presentation of our projects.

Exhibitions (or expositions) are funny. Preparing an exhibition is like renovating your home. It's all about banal practical things and about getting it done with all the necessary tools within an unthinkable amount of time. It's the time when the simplest things go wrong. It's when the simplest things make you feel proud of yourself. You will laugh, but this was the first time in my life I drilled and put up shelves on a wall. The first time I painted furniture was for my BA degree show. Anila didn't allow me to cut the wood though, saying that it's too thick and that it might be dangerous if I've never done it before. At lease I was allowed to hold it, while she was cutting :))

Our last crisis and problem solving meeting on the day before the opening.

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@темы: Goldsmiths, Arts