My life has been so crazy during the last several months, with one workshop after another every week, sometimes several workshops a week, each and every one completely different, at various places and with various people. I hardly looked back at what I've been actually doing all this time, constantly racing towards the next project. But I am always happy about such intense periods of work, and also happy when they are over. 

I am going to start with the very beginning of this winter marathon, which was a workshop with my beloved Beddow n Battini collective, and another good reason to go to London! We organised a series of workshops, aimed at encouraging young people to pursue a creative career. Thus we decided to share the various skills and techniques crucial to Beddow n Battini. We conducted four workshops within two days, which included story telling by Fay, character development by Wumi, self expression by Adeeb and creative technology led by myself.

Unfortunately, our workshops were not very well promoted, and thus we ended up having only few participants, despite the fact that they were during the school holidays and free of charge. Nevertheless, it was fun and we had very interesting participants of different backgrounds who had individual stories to tell.

I was conducting a maKey maKey workshop, which is always exciting with people who haven't heard of it before. The aim was to enhance the pictures and stories created in previous workshops and add layers of interaction.

My workshop ended Thursday evening, and I had to leave my friend's flat at 3am to take the very first flight to Munich, as I was booked for another workshop there for Friday... but let that be a different story ))

Have a lovely sunny weekend everyone!

@темы: Workshop, Teaching, Exploring London, Geekery, Beddow n Battini, physical computing