Wow, it's been a craaazy week! Too many things happening, too much information. It just doesn't fit into my poor little head. Here is our evening programme in short:
читать дальшеOn Monday evening me and Ilja went to the Jamboree music bar. I started writing about and just went on and on and on... After which I decided that this event deserves a separate post.
On Tuesday evening we went to a single release party of Nick McCarthy's Box Codax band in a music studio in Soho. With free drinks! We stood next to Alex, the lead singer of Franz Ferdinand, who gave us his Kleenex to stuff our ears with it, as it was just too loud. What an honour.
On Wednesday Ilja went to the BFI (British Film Institute), I was just too tired for that. Later at night Maria & Raphi arrived after a long journey from the airport!
On Thursday we went to the Theatre Royal Haymarket and enjoyed The Tempest with Ralph Fiennes as Prospero in the very first row! Very impressive indeed! (below an illegal pic )
On Friday we met Zhenya and Lyosha for a dinner in the Japanese restaurant and had a cup of tea at their place afterwards.
On Saturday we were invited to the house warming party of my fellow student. And on the seventh day God rested...
And this is just the evening programme, as I mentioned before! I still intend to write a documentation of my studies as I will need to hand it in by the end of semester anyway. Say no more, say no more. Nudge, nudge.
It's been a really intensive week, but it was just the beginning. Everything's gonna get even worse. In a very positive way. Puff, I have courses every day!
- Monday morning and the whole Tuesday: critical practice in the lab with Graham Harwood (media art + coding) Graham shakes us, tries to confuse us in our understanding of media and of the world in general so far, this method is called defamiliarisation. It was veeery intensive this week and everybody was really confused afterwards!
- Wednesday: media theory with Luciana Parisi (lecture + seminar) Very interesting! After being introduced to new media theorists and their concepts we discussed them in the seminar. I've already bought a FAT reader for this course.
- Thursday: technical workshops with Alan Learned some Linux commands. And I'm really looking forward to "meeting" Arduino in a couple of weeks.
- Friday: option course Mediating the Social with GoetzBachmann (lecture + 3 hours lab) Love it! Again, it's both theory and practice. The cool thing is that we work together with the students of the newly established MA programme Creating Social Media, which sounds really exciting! And before creating the online social life, we start with getting to know the offline beginnings. That's why we started with ethnography and its methods. Very exciting! Apart from reading we get a task for every week. For instance, this week we are supposed to go to a really weird place we wouldn't normally go to and hang out with the people there. Afterwards we should run to the toilet and make some secret notes. And then write everything down in a neatly way at home
As you can see, life is very intense here... And the crazy thing is that we've got plans for every evening of the upcoming week. Feel like we're at home and not in a new place where you hardly know anybody.
Ilya has a job interview tomorrow. It's a Swiss advertising company and they are just four people in their London office. So let's see what it's gonna be like. We still don't have a flat, but will try to get a better price for a studio we kind of liked just minutes away from the tube station Canada Water.
That's it so far. Sorry for all my spelling and other mistakes, I'm just too tired
Вот, откопала видео, которое мы снимали на семинаре по информатике полтора года назад. (Меня вы там не увидите, я за камерой.) Надо было продемострировать, извините, интерфейс, который мы весь семестр разрабатывали.
Самое клёвое, что чемпионат европы по футболу закончился за неделю до съёмок, поэтому последнюю сцену мы снимали перед входом в Klassik am Odeonsplatz. Надо было видеть лица дядечек и тётечек в вечерних нарядах и их недоумевающие лица
Но самые последние кадры я таки догадалась снять ещё во время последней игры на настоящем public viewing. Поэтому слышен Илюхин голос за кадром
Съездила на прошлых выходных совершенно спонтанно в Венецию на Биенале. Оказалось лишнее свободное место в машине Ну, что я вам скажу, современное искусство в большинстве своём просто лажа. В основном всё теперь инсталяционное и создаётся ощущение, что свежих идей нет. В продчем, я конечно не знаю, по какому принципу тех или иных ходожников приглашают на Биеннале. Но по-моему, классическое искусство выжилось и будущее теперь за Medienkunst, хохо ))
Зато Венеция мне во второй раз понравилась гараздо больше, чем в первый! Фактически всё было на удивление очень итальянским и только вмеру туристическим. Вплоть до картин маслом: мальчика, кричащего своему другу в окно: "Эй Лука, пошли кушать, мама приготовила пиццу!" или просто бабулечек-сплетниц во дворе.
Here are some newly drawn pics for our wedding album. Yes, I finally finished it! After almost one year... Already ordered it online and so excited to see the result - a (hopefully) beautifully printed photo book. Our lovely mad wedding a l
Trying to catch up with time, everything is happening so fast! Went to Marburg and Frankfurt last week-end to visit some relatives and friends and had such a cozy time! And this week I have spent three evenings at the Filmfest: I've seen John Malkovich being awarded by Veronika Ferres and watches "Colour me Kubrik", which was quite fun, although I've only seen one and a half of Kubrik's films.
Went to the "Animation meeting" on Thursday which was really cool! There were a guy, who worked for a "Hereafter" by Clint Eastwood another one whose company did the special effects for all Harry Potter films. It's amazing what the postproduction can do to with original shots nowadays.
And today I am looking forward to seeing Ioseliani's new film "Chantrapas" as well as himself receiving an award. And afterwards we're going to see a new Russian film "Truce". It's gonna be a long evening
I had a crazy weekend with my beloved WG (the flat share family). We went to the Ingolstadt outlet village because we had the vouchers. The only thing I am happily posessing after this excursion is a hippy-hoody from Desingual. Love this crazy brand. Afterwards we went to Gilching as our friend had an empty house. We baked lots of pancakes, played FIFA, table soccer and darts and watched Cohens' "A Serious Man" till 5 am. Everything just as in the good old times Long live the student's life!
I had a crazy weekend with my beloved WG (the flat share family). We went to the Ingolstadt outlet village because we had the vouchers. The only thing I am happily posessing after this excursion is a hippy-hoody from Desingual. Love this crazy brand. Afterwards we went to Gilching as our friend had an empty house. We baked lots of pancakes, played FIFA, table soccer and darts and watched Cohens' "A Serious Man" till 5 am. Everything just as in the good old times Long live the student's life!